Alissa Walker

Alissa Walker

Hi, I'm Alissa and I'm the editor of Torched. If you see a concrete bench stamped with the logo from the 1984 games out in the wild, send it my way

75 articles
A pedestrian crossing sign with flashing lights, now dark, shown against an ominous gray sky

The road ahead

The city's first capital improvement plan will be focused exclusively on projects related to the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It's already being referred to as the "Games CIP"

Donald Shoup, an older man with a beard and a suit, straddling his bike along a curb with paid parking spaces

Feed the meter

The fact that LA could even aspire to host a "car-free" games owes a great debt to Donald Shoup repeating, for decades, that just because you're going somewhere in this city, you're not automatically guaranteed a free parking spot when you get there

A podium set up in the Dodger Stadium parking lot with the governor's bear logo and the Dodger Foundation logo

Rising to the occasion

Less than four years out, the citywide vision we're supposed to be rallying behind has yet to be revealed by LA28. And now LA's recovery has become inextricably bound to the 2028 deadline that we're all haphazardly hurtling towards without a plan

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