"We're here every Saturday"
Since February, protesters have been gathering weekly along the Americana's idealized main street as part of the worldwide #TeslaTaketown rallies
Gather your questions about fire and water and join us on Tuesday, January 28 at noon on Zoom
There's an army of volunteers at their keyboards right now, all over the country, preventing the ignition of a secondary disaster by snuffing out LA's price-gouging rentals
The IOC doesn't care if LA holds its games or not. And perhaps more troublingly, the city of LA will happily brush aside its own emergencies in order to stage a megaevent
After speaking with so many people this year who are working so hard to make this place actually work, I'm seeing another way to tell LA's megaevent story
LA could leverage this ordinance to make it easier to create new public spaces, public bathrooms, and even public housing leading up to 2028
The headlines that trumpet a "$350 million makeover" for Expo Park ahead of 2028 are flat-out misleading
With less than 3.5 years until the opening ceremonies, the termed-out council president emeritus is taking on a new megaevent department, a new role, and a whole lot of city baggage
Bring your questions about how megaevents impact host cities and join us Monday, December 9 at 2 p.m. on Zoom
"The immediate-term outcome is that the discretionary grants from the federal government are going to be oriented away from urban areas, communities of color, and pedestrian, bike and transit projects"
In case anyone forgot this fact, LA28 representatives repeatedly reminded everyone about their close working relationship with the president-elect