LA JEOOOOOPARDY + Torched meet and greet on August 12

Come for a meet and greet at Zebulon and stay to watch me defend my LA Jeopardy crown for the 4th time πŸ‘‘

A flyer for LA JeOOOOOpardy, August 12 8pm at Zebulon, FREE, asking What will the 2028 Olympics means for LA
Thanks once again to Zebulon for enabling LA's silliest live game show

It's back! On Monday, August 12, join me and a bunch of LA trivia nerds at the 4th edition of the now-legendary Jeopardy-style game show. As you may remember, the last show, held in November 2022, was LA election themed. (And it was truly epic.) The next show, held on the day after the Paris Olympics closing ceremonies, is going to be LA Olympics themed.

Not only will I once again be competing to retain my crown, I'll be facing off against the formidable Erik Abriss, organizer with NOlympics LA, and the very funny comedian, writer, and actor Pallavi Gunalan. Here are all the details.

Plus! Come early to join me and other Torched subscribers for a meet and greet/last-minute Olympics trivia cram session at 6:30 p.m. in Zebulon's bar before doors open at 8 p.m.

I also feel I should note that, like all previous LA Jeopardy events, I have no prior knowledge of the answers (questions?) and the show's content is overseen by the very troubled mind of host Devon Manney. Hope to see you there!

Monday, August 12
Torched subscriber meet and greet 6:30 p.m.
Doors at 8 p.m.


2478 Fletcher Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90039

Get your free tickets here

And share the details on Instagram to get the word out!

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