Where are LA's World Cup plans?
I'm forever ranting about how little we know about LA’s Olympics plans. But we know literally nothing about LA’s World Cup plans. It's next year!
Bring your questions about rebuilding and recovery and join us on Wednesday, February 19 at 1 p.m. on Zoom
In the midst of a climate disaster, schools must become beacons of resiliency in every community
Less than four years out, the citywide vision we're supposed to be rallying behind has yet to be revealed by LA28. And now LA's recovery has become inextricably bound to the 2028 deadline that we're all haphazardly hurtling towards without a plan
There's an army of volunteers at their keyboards right now, all over the country, preventing the ignition of a secondary disaster by snuffing out LA's price-gouging rentals
The IOC doesn't care if LA holds its games or not. And perhaps more troublingly, the city of LA will happily brush aside its own emergencies in order to stage a megaevent