The spreadsheet brigade that's keeping LA's rental market from exploding
There's an army of volunteers at their keyboards right now, all over the country, preventing the ignition of a secondary disaster by snuffing out LA's price-gouging rentals
Bring your questions about how megaevents impact host cities and join us Monday, December 9 at 2 p.m. on Zoom
Bring your questions about megaevent planning and join us live on Zoom on November 18 for the next Torched Talks
Focus on the future and join us live on Zoom on October 28 for the next Torched Talks
Grab an afternoon snack and join us live on Zoom on October 7 for the next Torched Talks
Grab a baguette or two and join us live on Zoom on September 9 for the first-ever Torched Talks!