Torched Talks with Edith de Guzman and Greg Pierce

Gather your questions about fire and water and join us on Tuesday, January 28 at noon on Zoom

Torched Talks with Edith de Guzman and Greg Pierce
Join us to talk about extreme heat, wildfires, water systems — and yes, we'll also talk about trees

Back in December, which feels like a lifetime ago, I had booked the next Torched Talks as a conversation about the challenges of staging a megaevent in extreme heat. While the events of the last two weeks have absolutely brought the dangers of extreme heat to the forefront, we certainly have more to talk about now than just planting shade trees. Fortunately, my scheduled Torched Talks experts also know a lot about fire.

This month I'll be speaking with Edith de Guzman, water equity and adaptation policy cooperative extension specialist for the University of California's Agriculture and Natural Resources and co-founder of the Los Angeles Urban Cooling Collaborative, and Greg Pierce, co-director of UCLA's Luskin Center for Innovation and director of the Human Right to Water Solutions Lab. As Edith recently said to The Guardian about the recent firestorms: "There is an element of human hubris in this to think we can have full control. Nobody would blame officials for not stopping a hurricane — when a hurricane comes, it comes." And that's a useful way to ground our conversation about fire and water, and how the region finds a way to balance those two powerful necessities with the fact that 10 million people live here. And yes — we'll also talk about trees.

Gather your questions about fire and water and join us for the next Torched Talks!

Torched Talks with Edith de Guzman and Greg Pierce
Tuesday, January 28
12 to 1 p.m. PT

Join Zoom meeting

Meeting ID: 828 1923 0848
Passcode: 313408

Here's the link to the invite and the LinkedIn event

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🗣️ Torched Talks is an ongoing series of conversations with experts on topics facing LA in its megaevent era. It's free and open to all — simply join the Zoom to watch. Missed last month's? You can watch my talk with Olympic scholar Gustavo Lopes dos Santos

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